Social Distancing: 100+ Ideas What to Do at Home

Times are tough. All of us have to do our part to get through the Corona Pandemic as good as we can.
Lots of countries ask their citizens to practice Social Distancing and Self-Quarantine to ‘flatten the curve’.
But staying at home doesn’t have to be boring or unproductive.
In 1665, the University of Cambridge temporarily closed due to the bubonic plague. Isaac Newton had to work from home, and he used this time to develop calculus and the theory of gravity.
— Martin Kleppmann (@martinkl) March 9, 2020
Please keep yourself and others safe. Enjoy your stay at home.
Social Distancing: 100+ Ideas What to Do at Home

🚧Here are some alternatives to reading the news:
- [Social ☺️] Call your family and tell them you think about them
- Call a friend who lives by him-/herself and see how they are doing
- Have shared lunch/dinner via video call
- Do a happy hour via video call
- Go through your contacts and talk to people you wanted to reach out to
- [Home 🏡] Clean your apartment/house/room
- Go through your clothes/items/etc. and see what you can donate or get rid of
- Go through your wardrobe/items/etc. and re-discover forgotten favorites
- Rearrange rooms, which don’t quite feel right
- Fix broken stuff (change light bulbs; fix broken furniture; etc.)
- Tidy up and/or decorate areas of your apartment where it needs improvement
- Set up a working area (if your work allows you to work remotely)
- Walk through the various rooms and see how many steps it takes to cross the room (smallest steps possible vs. largest steps possible)
- Walk through the apartment and see how many steps it takes to cross the entire apartment (smallest steps possible vs. largest steps possible)
- Look around and try to notice 10 things you haven’t noticed before
- [Mind 💆] Try meditation (mindfulness; mantra; exercise; … whatever works for you)
- Mediate 5 days in a row (if/once more experienced)
- Learn about 1 philosopher (pick first one that comes to mind) … if none comes to mind, just google
- Learn about 3 different philosophies from 3 different regions (Europe; Asia; Middle East; etc.)
- Learn about the concept of mental models
- Pick 5 mental models and learn about them
- Write down the absolutely worst that could happen in the next 3/6/12/24 months
- Write down all the things you’ve done/achieved in your life (e.g. graduated; moved to ….; etc.) – [thanks h/t Friedemann]
- Write a list of 39 goals/dreams
- Read the book you always wanted to read but have pushed off reading
- Re-read your favorite book
- Search for a blog on 3 topics (1: your hobby; 2: something you want to learn; 3: …. [wildcard])
- Setup a blog and write 1 blog post
- Write blog posts 5 days in a row
- Do an annual review of the previous year/years
- Build a positive habit and couple it with something you do every day (e.g. ‘go to the bathroom’ = trigger)
- Play a game
- Tell a joke
- [Health 💪] Notice when you touch your face and commit to saying something stupid every time you do [e.g. trigger: touching your face –> reaction: saying ‘Bingo Bongo’]
- Learn about bodyweight exercises
- Exercise 5 days in a row
- Learn about gymnastics/stretching
- Stretch 5 days in a row
- Learn about breathing exercises
- Exercise breathing 5 days in a row
- Go to sleep before 10pm
- Wake up before 6am
- Take a siesta
- Listen to an interview with the sleep scientist
- Treat yourself and take a long shower
- Challenge yourself and take the shortest shower possible
- End a shower with cold water running for 15/30 seconds+
- Read about longevity research
- Attempt/master handstand (h/t Michi)
- Attempt/master walking on your hands
- [Food/Cooking 🍲] Cook something very simple (3 ingredients)
- Cook something sophisticated
- Learn 3 new recipes
- Learn about 2 new cuisines
- Write down the recipes you know and share with friends (if they are interested)
- Drink water and try to notice how it tastes
- If you usually drink coffee, try tea
- If you usually drink alcohol, don’t drink 5 days in a row
- [Ideas 💡] Come up 10 fictional book ideas you’d like to read/write
- Come up with 5 movie ideas you would like to see
- Write down 10 insights that you have, which are not widely known
- Come up with 5 business ideas you could start with $500 in the bank
- Come up with 5 improvement ideas for household items/goods
- [Work 💻] Learn about GTD
- Learn about 5 different productivity systems/frameworks (quora thread)
- Find your most productive hours and see if you can adapt your schedule to fit your personal energy/focus/motivation levels
- Write a TaDa-List 5 days in a row
- Finish a small task that you have been pushing off for a long time
- Tackle a large/important project
- If you have a day without meetings, start working before 6am and finish your ‘working day’ by 12pm // enjoy the afternoon
- Get to inbox 0
- Set up your inbox for success
- Clean your desk
- Clean your desktop
- Delete unused files on your hard drive
- Archive unused files on your cloud drive
- Back up important files
- [Skills/Learning 📚] Learn the basics of a programming language (SQL; etc.)
- Learn the basics of excel
- Learn the basics of presentations/slides
- Learn the basics of story telling
- Learn the basics of writing
- Learn the basics of ___________
- Learn about physics
- Learn about chemistry
- Learn about math
- Create a collection of your favorite resources
- [Creative 🎹] Write down your 3 favorite artists from childhood
- Listen to 3 styles of music you usually don’t listen to and learn about the roots of the music
- Pick up a new instrument
- Practice an instrument or digital instrument for 1 hour (alternative: if you don’t have an instrument, then sing or use your fingers as percussion instrument)
- Practice an instrument or digital instrument 5 days in a row
- Write/create a song and share it with friends
- Play music for 1 hour
- Listen to an album from start to finish
- Learn something new about your favorite genre of music
- Learn about your favorite artist
- Take a selfie that you like
- Find 3 different pictures that you really like and write why you like them
- Take this free photo class
- Take 10 different pictures from the same subject/item
- Take a short video of yourself explaining a concept
- Take a short video of yourself telling a joke
- Take a short video of yourself recreating a movie scene
- Write a poem/haiku
- [Other 🔍] Send me your ideas how to spend time at home 🙂
- Take an onlince course
- Create an online course
Communication Matters: Renaming ‘Social Distancing’
Very good and thoughtful tweet.
Words matter-Social Distancing-Is essential. But as phrase may not work.We must maintain social interactions, communications, sharing, it is what binds us together - we need personal physical distance yes, but socially closer than ever. Perhaps Physical Distance, Socially Close?
— Jeremy Farrar (@JeremyFarrar) March 17, 2020